As Taiwan was on Chinese New Year holidays, at the mean time, Indonesian plastic bag factory was still processing the bag making. Dipo Plastic Machinery Factory made a special trip to the plastic factory customers to visit the factory to understand customer’s needs and problems.
Indonesian plastic bag factory needs to increase the production of plastic bags in an all-round way, and to fully automate the production of plastic bags to better understand the process of biodegradable plastic bags.
Dipo Plastic Machinery Factory provides model KDP-326S and servo six-line t-shirt bag making machine. It adopts Taiwan TECO servo motor system, Japan YASKAWA inverter, Taiwan FUKUTA motor, Japan MITSUBISHI PLC. Achieve a fully automated bag making machine production line to improve the production quality.
The eco bag comes from the PLA raw material formula and can be naturally decomposed in nature under the natural environment of soil, air and sun. Dipo Plastic Machinery has been invol.